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Energy efficiency and ISO standards

Energy Efficiency evaluation


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Consultations on ISO Standards

ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is a quality management system standard. It's the most widely recognized and used management system standard in the world, formed from the experience of many successful organizations over the years. ISO 9001 helps ensure the quality of company operations, structure, and product manufacturing, as well as customer satisfaction and overall profit increase. Using the standard ensures continuous improvement, organizes the company's internal environment, and promotes an increase in customer numbers, as well as a reduction in non-conforming products and costs.

The requirements of this standard are applicable to any type of organization – whether it's a manufacturing company, a service provider, an educational institution, etc. This universality is evidenced by the fact that ISO 9001 certificates have been obtained and utilized by private companies, public organizations, and government agencies worldwide.

Main advantages of implementing ISO 9001:

  • Excellent control capabilities through planned activities with set indicators and measurements;

  • Helps avoid errors and plan for continuous improvement;

  • Introduces an effective management system with clear authorities and responsibilities;

  • Provides a globally recognized quality management system certificate;

  • SIA “LBRA” assists in creating and implementing an effective quality management system tailored to your company.


SIA “LBRA” Jums palīdzēs izveidot un ieviest efektīvu kvalitātes vadības sistēmu saskaņā ar ISO 9001 standarta prasībām, kura būtu viegli saprotama, pārskatāma un tieši Jūsu uzņēmuma specifikai piemērota.

ISO 50001

LVS EN ISO 50001:2018 is an international standard for energy management systems. Implementing ISO 50001 ensures maximum energy consumption and cost reduction, keeping the system continuously updated and effective.

Benefits of implementing ISO 50001:

  • Systematic, gradual, and thoughtful approach;

  • Increased competitiveness and productivity;

  • Reduced energy consumption and costs;

  • Clear benchmarks and continuous monitoring;

  • Measurable energy usage information;

  • Ability to set goals, tasks, create an energy plan, and control it;

  • Long-term goal achievement;

  • Future consumption planning and potential savings registry;

  • Maintaining information flow and staff competencies;

  • Addresses both significant and less significant energy consumption;

  • Demonstrates commitment to sustainable development principles.

  • A management report, including information on energy and ISO 50001 requirements, can serve as a reference form for Energy Management (EM) systems.

SIA “LBRA” will assist you in creating, implementing, and maintaining an effective energy management system in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 50001 standard. This system will be designed to be easily understandable, transparent, and specifically tailored to the unique needs of your company.

ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is an environmental management system standard. It helps a company identify its impact on the environment and manage it correctly according to the company's specifics and the laws set by the Republic of Latvia.

The goal of implementing ISO 14000 in companies is to support environmental protection and prevent environmental pollution, balancing these actions with socio-economic needs. The implementation of this environmental standard demonstrates that a company is aware of its impact and has laid the groundwork for continuous improvement. It offers the opportunity to use natural resources more efficiently, thereby reducing the environmental impact and the company's costs.

ISO 14001 standard is suitable for any company, regardless of its size or the products and services it offers.

Main advantages of implementing ISO 14001:

  • Systematic, gradual, and thoughtful approach over a longer period;

  • Increasing company competitiveness and productivity;

  • The system helps control the company's impact on the surrounding environment and reduce energy consumption;

  • Reduced risk of accidents in your company that could cause environmental pollution;

  • Reduction in the amount of production waste and emissions, and the costs of their processing, storage, or destruction;

  • Ensuring the environmental protection system's compliance with legislative requirements;

  • Improved relationships with regulatory institutions;

  • Measurable information about energy usage and consumption;

  • Clear reference points and continuous monitoring;

  • The ability to set goals, tasks, create an energy plan, and control it;

  • The opportunity to work towards the same goal over a longer period;

  • Future consumption planning, energy-saving opportunities, and a register of anticipated savings;

  • Proof to oneself and current/potential business partners that the company's operations are based on the principles of sustainable development.

  • A management report, including information about energy and ISO 14001 requirements, can serve as a reference form for EM.


The new version of the standard ISO 14001:2015

On September 15, 2015, the new version of the international standard ISO 14001 was adopted – ISO 14001:2015 "Environmental Management Systems. Requirements with guidance for use."

A 3-year transition period has been established, during which organizations with certified environmental management systems undergo a transition audit to evaluate their compliance with the ISO 14001:2015 standard.

SIA “LBRA” will assist you in creating and implementing an effective management system in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard, which will be easily understandable, transparent, and specifically tailored to the unique needs of your company.


SIA "LBRA" provides consultations and training on the implementation of ISO standards, internal audits, and employee training related.

For more detailed information about our services, please contact us!

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